PEI, a long-standing project

Since 2007, the scientific community in mechanical and process engineering in Grenoble is putting significant efforts in the structuration of its experimental tools and of its scientific expertise, as well as in the strengthening of the education offer in Grenoble (a number of education programs dedicated to the Engineering of Industrial Systems, or to Industrial Processes and the Management of the Environment were launched by the Université Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble-INP).

In 2010, 8 research laboratories belonging to the Université Grenoble Alpes, the CNRS, Grenoble INP and IRSTEA decided to join forces and create the Fédération Galileo Galilei de Grenoble.

The PEI project was born from this long-term collective effort which beneficiated from the initial involvement of the Envirhonalp cluster and was recently reinforced by the support of Tec21, the Center for Excellence in Mechanical and Process Engineering.

In 2013, as part of the Opération Campus “Grenoble Université de l’Innovation”, the University engaged in the biggest construction project on the campus since more than 30 years, and in November 2015, the 2 200 m² ground floor of the Galilée building was made available for hosting the whole PEI platform, i.e. the education and students projects area, the start-up private surfaces, and the “process hall” dedicated to hosting semi-industrial pilots, large size experiments and public-private projects to be carried out by researchers in collaboration with industries.


The reception hall of the Galilee Building, shared with the 3SR-Lab located upstairs, gives access to the education area on the right, and to the start-up area and the experimental hall in the left wing of the building. The meeting room and the cafeteria can be opened on the reception hall to welcome events.

Education area

The education area has classrooms, computer rooms, and a lab-course area fully equipped with experimental pilots on which students are trained to master a number of industrial operations relating to remediation processes and environmental management (Master PIME)

Startup area

Our platform has specific surfaces dedicated to hosting the R&D activities of young technological companies. Besides their own offices and laboratory rooms, the start-up companies are given access to a number of shared equipments and services, as well as to the experimental hall where they develop collaborations with our partner laboratories. View the hosted startup companies

Experimental hall

At the heart of the platform, the experimental hall is specifically equipped to host about thirty projects from our partner laboratories, in particular projects in collaboration with industry focusing on the development and the enhancement of industrial processes for production activities or the remediation of contaminated systems (see the on going projects).