Our partner research laboratories

PEI is a collaborative research platform, and as such, it offers its infrastructure and resources to a group of Grenoble research laboratories that develop scientific activity in the field of the environment and industrial processes.

Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels (LEGI)

Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures et Risques (3SR)

Laboratoire du Génie des Procédés Papetiers (LGP2)

Laboratoire de Rhéologie et des Procédés (LRP)

Laboratoire d'Etude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement (LTHE)

Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique (GIPSA-Lab)

Laboratoire d'Electrochimie et de Physicochimie des Matériaux et des Interfaces (LEPMI)

Laboratoire des Sciences et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés (SIMAP)

Service des Basses Températures de l'Institut Nanosciences et Cryogénie (INAC-SBT)

Our supervisory institutions

The PEI platform is managed by the Galileo Galilei Federation of Grenoble (Fed3G), which brings together the Institute of Engineering and Systems Sciences (INSIS) of the CNRS, the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (Grenoble-INP) and the IRSTEA (formerly Cemagref).

Industrial clusters

We work with the main Rhône-Alpes competitiveness clusters, and together we pursue the same technology transfer objectives.


PEI deals with issues related to engineering sciences and many companies are involved in our projects. While the major industrial groups are naturally present among our partners, we are making a major effort to facilitate SMEs' access to our skills, particularly through industry-research projects which objective is to help companies take the first step into a collaboration with our laboratories (see Tec21's website for more information on this subject)